What nose modifications can be performed with noninvasive nasoplasty (Nose Job) with Hyaluronic Acid Injectables?

noninvasive nasoplasty

We shape the tip of the nose, also rise up the tip and even make a big voluminous nose to look smaller thinner and be a better fit to your face. All this is done without surgery and respecting your face characteristics.
The procedure is very elegant, non-obvious, no one can tell that you have done aesthetic surgery to your face, but they will notice that you look better and they don’t know why.

Written by Dr. Rudina Thanasi

Aesthetic Vs. Mutilation

Aesthetic Vs. Mutilation

– Visionary. Even if you don’t make any treatment for years you should and must look better after many years.  Any procedure which compromises the future is not aesthetic.

– Healthy. Whatever you use should absolutely not compromise health. The balance should always be positive.



1- Lighter. Any procedure which makes face lighter is aeshtetic

2- Up lifting. Anything you do, the final result should and must be Up-Lifting

3- Invisible. If it is obvious can’t be aesthetic.

By Dr. Rudina Thanasi

Teknika e Mezolift

Teknika e mezolifting konsiston në injektimin në shtresat sipërfaqësore të lëkurës të një përzierjeje substancash të individualizuar për çdo pacient dhe për çdo problem, me rol:

  • hidratues,
  • rigjenerues,
  • energjizues, të cilat i ofrojnë një shkëlqim nëpërmjet liftingut kimik që prodhojnë.

Shkruar nga Dr. Rudina Thanasi