The nose job results are immediately visible. Although the final result can be seen in 2 weeks.
Nonsurgical rhinoplasty is a highly-satisfying aesthetic procedure.
By Dr. Rudina Thanasi
Does Nose Job hurt, is there any pain?
The aeria it is hiagly sensitive so usually we use an anesthetic cream topically . The pacient keeps the anesthetic cream for 25 – 45 minutes before injection to reduce the sensitivity. Normally it is a very nice, elegant, commutable procedure.
By Dr. Rudina Thanasi
There is no downtime.
If the procedure is performed right from a professional doctor then there is no risk of infections. Of course as it is performed with injections with hyaluronic acid it is a safe, healthy procedure and all the side effects are the ones connected with injections sites. Redness, swallowing, bruising, skin sensitive, but are rare, and all disappears in 3 -13 days.
By Dr. Rudina Thanasi
The result keeps normally from 6-18 months. You recomend to our pacients to come for a touch up in 6 months, If a refresh it is needed . But although Hyaluronic acid injections are temporary fillers from my experience in 11 years 40 -60 % of the results is for at list 11 years.Continue reading
We shape the tip of the nose, also rise up the tip and even make a big voluminous nose to look smaller thinner and be a better fit to your face. All this is done without surgery and respecting your face characteristics.
The procedure is very elegant, non-obvious, no one can tell that you have done aesthetic surgery to your face, but they will notice that you look better and they don’t know why.
Written by Dr. Rudina Thanasi
Teknika e mezolifting konsiston në injektimin në shtresat sipërfaqësore të lëkurës të një përzierjeje substancash të individualizuar për çdo pacient dhe për çdo problem, me rol:
Shkruar nga Dr. Rudina Thanasi
Stretchmarks (strijat), një ndër sfidat e dermatologjisë dhe kirurgjisë estetike sot. Subjekt mbi të cilin investohen miliarda në kerkime shkencore çdo vit. Ne në klinikën tonë kemi krijuar një protokoll për trajtimin e stretchmarks, strijave, me rezultat në çdo rast mbi 70%.
Çfarë janë stretchmarks?
Stretchmarks janë çarjet e lëkurës që ndodhin si pasojë e humbjes së elasticitetit dhe plasticitetit të lëkurës, nën presion. Janë shumë shpesh me predispozite familjare gjenetike.
“Healing is not a science, but the intuitive art of wooing nature.”
“Shërimi nuk është një shkencë, por arti intuitiv i një natyre dashamirëse.”
H. Auden, “The Art of Healing”
Çfarë duhet të shmangë pacienti gjatë trajtimit estetik për strijat në lëkurë?